
version 1.0
Developed for iOS
iOS 15.5+

Billsnotes is an iOS app designed to help users keep track of their bills by allowing them to record bill data locally on their device. The app provides an easy-to-use interface for entering information about bills, such as the amount owed, due date, and payment status. Users can also add notes to each bill to provide additional context.

One of the key features of Billsnotes is the ability to share bill information by copying and pasting the user's data. This allows users to easily share their bill information with others, such as family members or roommates who may also be responsible for paying bills. 

Overall, Billsnotes provides a simple and convenient solution for managing bills on an iOS device. With its intuitive interface and sharing capabilities, users can stay on top of their bills and easily communicate important information with others.

Bills Notes - Screenshots 

Version 1.0

Privacy policy

At BillsNotes, we understand the importance of protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose information in connection with our iOS and iPad application.

Collection of Information
BillsNotes does not collect any personal information or data from its users. The application only stores the data entered by the user on the local device. We do not collect, store or share any data outside of the user's device.

Use of Information 
All information entered by the user in BillsNotes is stored locally on the user's device only. The information entered by the user is used solely for the purpose of managing and organizing their bills. We do not use, share or transfer this information to any third parties.

Disclosure of Information 
As mentioned above, BillsNotes does not collect or share any personal data or information outside of the user's device. Therefore, we do not disclose any user data to third parties.

Data Security
We take data security seriously, and BillsNotes is designed with this in mind. All user data entered in BillsNotes is stored locally on the user's device and is not transmitted to any third-party servers. We do not store any data on our own servers or cloud storage.

Changes to Privacy Policy 
At BillsNotes, we are committed to providing a safe and secure experience for our users. We promise that we will never collect any personal data or information outside of the user's device. This Privacy Policy will not change in this regard.
However, we reserve the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy in other respects at any time. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page.
Contact Us 
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you.